Sunday 29 July 2012


Word of the Day for Sunday, July 29, 2012

Traject \truh-JEKT\, verb:
To transport, transmit, or transpose.

A sign said “loose rocks and soil on the edges” I decided to drive close to the edge and see when using the front end of my car, then swinging out the back wheels, would it cause the rocks to traject in front of his car?
-- Robert A. Williams, The Fall Mission

The Roman vocabulary did not tend to traject the "aesthetic" with "manliness," "glory," or "wealth."
-- Brian A. Krostenko, Cicero, Catullus, and the Language of Social Performance

Traject stems from the Latin word jacere meaning "to throw" and the prefix trā- which is a variation of the prefix trans- meaning "across" or "beyond."

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