Monday 23 July 2012


Word of the Day for Monday, July 23, 2012

Nubilous \NOO-buh-luhs\, adjective:
1. Cloudy or foggy.
2. Obscure or vague; indefinite.

...trunks as thick as whisky casks and bark like rough-out leather, tower overhead so that the path between them is sheltered from the sun, creating a nubilous atmosphere, soft and pungent with resins, while soft brown needles cushion one's tread.
-- Michael Petracca, Captain Zzyzx

The sky above, dark and nubilous, parted like torn, plump bread and under a sun absorbent and intense, the water began to recede over low bridges. The storm was ending.
-- Elizabeth Léonie Simpson, Stranger From Home

Nubilous comes from the Latin root nūb meaning "cloud."

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