Tuesday 25 October 2016


Tuesday 25th October 2016

Melancholy - /ˈmɛlənkəli/

  1. [mass noun] A feeling of pensive sadness, typically with no obvious cause. 
  2. another term for melancholia (as a mental condition) 
  3. historical another term for black bile

  1. Having a feeling of melancholy; sad and pensive. 
  2. Causing or expressing sadness; depressing.

Example sentences
‘An air of melancholy surrounded him’
‘He had an ability to convey a sense of deep melancholy and yearning through much of his work’
‘At the centre of his music lies a profound melancholy and nostalgia’

‘She felt a little melancholy
‘A dark, melancholy young man with deep-set eyes’
The melancholy tone of her writing’

Middle English: from Old French melancolie, via late Latin from Greek melankholia, from melas, melan- black + kholē bile, an excess of which was formerly believed to cause depression.

Thanks to: www.oxforddictionaries.com

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