Sunday 24 June 2012


Word of the Day for Sunday, June 24, 2012

Instauration \in-staw-REY-shuhn\, noun:
1. Renewal; restoration; renovation; repair.
2. Obsolete. An act of instituting something; establishment.

Warm friendship, indeed, he felt for her; but whatever that might have done towards the instauration of a former dream was now hopelessly barred by the rivalry of the thing itself in the guise of a lineal successor.
-- Thomas Hardy, The Well-Beloved

For the first time since the instauration of the Republic of Cuba, the military caste was going to have to manage on its own.
-- Norberto Fuentes and Anna Kushner, The Autobiography of Fidel Castro

Instauration is derived from the Latin word instaurātiōn- which meant "a renewing" or "repeating". 

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