Wednesday, 1 August 2012


Word of the Day for Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Incondite \in-KON-dit\, adjective:
1. Ill-constructed; unpolished: incondite prose.
2. Crude; rough; unmannerly.

He is no such honest chronicler as R.N., and would have done better perhaps to have consulted that gentleman, before he sent these incondite reminiscences to press.
-- Charles Lamb, Charles Lamb: Selected Writings

I wish I might digress and tell you more of the pavor nocturnus that would rack me at night hideously after a chance term had struck me in the random readings of my boyhood, such as peine forte et dure (what a Genius of Pain must have invented that!), or the dreadful, mysterious, insidious words "trauma," "traumatic event," and "transom." But my tale is sufficiently incondite already.
-- Vladimir Nabokov, Lolita

To me, the Venetians whom I have met, seem to be merely inadequate, incondite, banausic , and perfectly complacent about it.
-- Frederick Rolfe, The Armed Hands

Incondite stems from the Latin root condere meaning "to put in, restore." The prefix in- also corresponds to the prefix un-, as in the word indefensible.

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